LINK HOUSE - Office Reception Area - Onsite Templating

Office Reception Area Rugs Onsite Template.

Commissioned reception area rugs design

We were commissioned to design and manufacture a high traffic, office reception area rug that needed to be designed on site prior to the site being completed.

Onsite Templating

An onsite template using plastic sheet was made onsite to allow a precise laying out and positioning of this unusual shaped rug.

The plastic template was then used to allow an accurate copy of the desired shape and size of the rug was then taken back to our manufacturing workshop. We then used the template to ensure accurate sizing and placement of the rug.

Once complete the rugs were installed and laid out exactly as templated from the initial onsite visit.

Find out more about our Commercial Rugs

Take a look at our Commercial Rugs case studies and photos. You can also find out more by looking about Commercial in our blog.